Panchmukhi Hanuman Put This Picture Of Hanuma Ji At Home To Get Relief From All Problems

Panchmukhi Hanuman Put This Picture Of Hanuma Ji At Home To Get Relief From All Problems

Five faced Hanuman: Sometimes such problems come in life that a person becomes completely disappointed. He does not understand how to get rid of his troubles. If you are often surrounded by problems, then this special solution related to Hanuman ji’s photo can be useful for you. According to astrology, putting a five-faced picture of Hanuman ji in the house does not bring any calamity to the house. Hanuman ji is called Sankatmochan. Just by remembering him one gets freedom from all kinds of problems. Let us know about the importance of five faced incarnation of Hanuman ji and the right direction to apply it.

Importance of five faces of Panchmukhi Hanuman

By putting five faced picture of Hanuman ji in the house, not only Hanuman ji’s but also mother Lakshmi’s blessings remain at home. Putting this picture removes negative energy from the house. The five faces of Panchmukhi Hanuman have different significance. In this all the faces of God are in different directions. On the east side is the monkey face of Hanuman ji which gives victory over the enemies. On the west side is the face of Lord Garuda, which removes obstacles and troubles in life. Varah faces north, which is considered to be the factor of fame and power. Hanuman ji’s Narasimha face towards south direction which removes fear from life. The horse face of God is towards the direction of the sky, which fulfills the wishes of the person.

Right direction to place picture of Panchmukhi Hanuman

It is most auspicious to put a picture of Panchmukhi Hanuman ji at the main door of the house. By putting a picture at this place, no evil power can enter the house. Bring such a picture of Panchmukhi Hanuman ji in which he is looking towards the south. According to Vastu, maximum negative energy comes out from the south direction. Placing a picture of Panchmukhi Hanuman in this direction brings happiness and prosperity in the house. On the other hand, by putting a picture of Panchmukhi Hanuman in the south-west corner of the house, all kinds of architectural defects are removed.

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Lakshmi ji resides in this corner of the house, always keep it clean otherwise you will become poor

Disclaimer: The information provided here is based on assumptions and information only. It is necessary to mention here that does not confirm any kind of recognition, information. Before implementing any information or belief, consult the relevant expert.

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